cyrk - komentarze

Please let me be yours please never leave
Please stay here close to me
All love we shared where is it now?

Please let me be better than I was
Please don't give up on us
The thought of leaving you - I do not know how

I can feel the pain you have inside
I see it in your eyes
Those eyes that used to shine for me

I can feel the wildness in your heart
That's tearing us apart
My love how can I help if you don't want me

There is nothing you can do to help me now
I am lost within myself as so many times before
There's nothing you can do to ease my pain
I am so, so sorry but if you love me you must let go

Dzieki Zu!
Kiedy slucham Pain of Salvation, rozchodzi mi sie w srodku takie kojace ciepelko, twarz sie rozjasnia, nic juz nie jest straszne ani wazne. Nie oddycham. Wsiakam.
Jak bardzo mi dobrze..


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Tak napisali inni:
23.01.2007 :: 12:53 ::


ja tez dostalam od dobrej duszy.. wiec i ty musisz komus przekazac.. heh naprodukuj tego ciepelka wiecej ..idzie zima. tak mowia ;/ :: Wróć